
Fellowship Adult Choir

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC

Under the direction of Dr. Tish Oney and accompanied by Dr. Elliott Smith, the Fellowship Adult choir leads the music for the worship services. The choir typically sings an anthem and a choral benediction as well as leading the congregational singing of hymns.

The choir rehearses on Wednesday nights in the choir room (Room C12) at 7:00-8:30 PM. If you would like to join our growing group or have questions, please contact Tish at and use the subject “music” or “choir.”


Sactuary Organ

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC

Our Schantz pipe organ was dedicated and nameed as the Anderson-McLeod Memorial Organ on April 10, 1983. We are fortunate to have this beautiful organ to help provide our worship music.


Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC

Sanctuary Piano

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC

In addition to the organ our worship music is enhanced by our Yamaha baby-grand piano. It adds a variety to the worship musical experience.