

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC

Room B04

Nursery is available during Sunday School and worship for children ages 0 to 3 years old.

Children in Worship

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC
Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC


We want children to learn how to worship God too, so we have broken down worship in a way that is inviting to our littlest disciples. We have Children’s Worship Activities in the narthex (lobby) and in front of the church behind the organ. We also have a special Children’s Message built into the worship service so children can recieve God’s word too. Children of any age can come up to the message, and their adults can join them if it makes them more comfortable.


Children’s Church

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC
Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC

Room D04

After the Children’s Message in worship, a volunteer will shepherd the children to the Children’s Classroom, where they hear a Bible story and do a related craft together with our caring volunteers.


The children learn the love, caring, and teamwork involved in the recent youth mission trip to Salkehatchie.

Open Hearts UMC, Greenville, SC, Children's Ministry

Vacation Bible School

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC
Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC
Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC
Open Hearts UMC’s very first Vacation Bible School, “I Wonder…”, was June 23 – 26, 2024!
Kids are naturally curious, and when you’re curious about who God is it’s easy to grow your relationship with Jesus. Kids will not only get curious about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — but also about the God who created it all! They heard from early church leaders like Paul, Peter, and John, who helped the first Jesus-followers wonder what made their stories unique, what gifts God gave them (and how they could use those gifts to serve), what they could learn from others, and how they could spend time with God.
Open Hearts UMC, Greenville, SC, Family Outing