
Micah 6:8: “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

The Missions Team is excited to announce our new SHARE ministry. Our name SHARE is an acronym for Serving in Humility, promoting Advocacy, providing Resources, and offering Education. Following Christ’s example, we wish to share love, mercy, and justice with all and to promote spiritual growth among our congregation.

Our SHARE ministry team includes Ashley Newton, Julia Turlington, Vaughan Overman, Pam Powell, Scott Powell, Jane Dyer, David Atkinson, and Janet Williams; its co-chairs are Bill Shell and Lynne Shackelford. However, we extend a hearty invitation for all of those in our congregation to participate in our SHARE ministry through our gifts, prayers, time, talents, and actions.

Our team has thoughtfully determined the following principles to guide us:

    • Commit to the two great commandments: “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31).
    • Support at least one UMC organization annually and promote justice, equity, and liberation within our community and the world.
    •  “Do No Harm,” to quote John Wesley, by carefully researching organizations with which we partner to ensure that the partnership or initiative acknowledges others’ agency and common humanity.Be intergenerational by involving children, youth, and adults of various ages in an array of mission opportunities appropriate to the size of our congregation.
    • Favor organizations and projects that make a long-term difference through relationship building, follow-up or case management support, and education of our congregation.

Recent Missions Projects

A Special Visit to Triune Mercy Center :

On August 6th, Jane Johnson, her granddaughter Jordyn (daughter of Lani and Amanda Johnson), and Lynne Shackelford, co-chair of S.H.A.R.E, headed to Triune Mercy Center to deliver inspirational quilts that Jane had made over a period of months for the Triune staff as a Lenten project. Once at Triune, Jane revealed that she and her husband Robert had been married there 50 years ago. Upon hearing that news, Rev. Jennifer Fouse Sheorn led Jane and Jordyn to the sanctuary for an impromptu tour. Then Jane presented each staff member with an individualized quilt, followed by one of her inimitable hugs. The staff were thrilled over their surprise gifts.

Upon leaving, Jane, Lynne, and Jordyn noticed two homeless men outside Triune. Jordyn asked her grandmother if they could give each man a bag filled with useful items, such as a water bottle, a washcloth, shampoo, hand sanitizer, etc. Her family keeps these in their cars. She gave each man a bag–spreading joy, inspiring Lynne to consider a new SHARE churchwide project, and reflecting love for her neighbors, a lesson that both her grandmother and her parents often demonstrate. Thanks to three generations of Johnsons for their open hearts!

Open Hearts UMC Missions

Meals on Wheels Packing Meals on August 5:
Ten volunteers met early to pack meals to be delivered to clients.

Open Hearts UMC Missions

Backpack and School Supplies Collection:
In partnership with Greenville Church without Walls, Open Hearts collected backpacks and filled them with school supplies. These backpacks will be given to Southside High School students living at Belle Meade Apartments at a special community event planned by Pastor Alfred Johnson.

Open Hearts UMC Missions

Salkehatchie Excursion on July 17:
Open Hearts members visited two worksites in Newberry and brought drinks, watermelon, and popsicles for the volunteer workers. Most important, we celebrated our team of two adults and six youth in Open Hearts’ first group participation in Salkehatchie. Our team proudly showed us the work they had done and introduced us to other United Methodists with whom they worked.

Open Hearts UMC, Greenville, SC

Samaritan House Donation:
In celebration of the 20 th anniversary of Samaritan House, a food pantry on our campus that is supported by five congregations, Open Hearts and the children who attended VBS collected $8723 to purchase food through Harvest Hope. Our children’s sermons addressed the issue of food insecurity. Children and adults then had the opportunity to tour Samaritan House and to learn more about its mission.

Open Hearts United Methodist Church, Greenville, SC

United Ministries Workday:
Open Hearts Sunday School Class members cleaned a Front Porch Housing apartment, leased by United Ministries. Susan Midgett, United Ministries Director of Mission Advancement, told the group of new plans to place families in single-family houses in partnership with Homes of Hope and other nonprofit housing organizations.

Open Hearts UMC Missions

Julie Valentine Center Tour on June 18:
Church members and staff toured the facility at 2905 White Horse Road and learned how JVC address child abuse and adult sexual trauma in our community. To show appreciation for the staff, they delivered treat bags that were decorated with hearts.

Open Hearts UMC, Greenville, SC supports Julie Valentine Center

Community Support:
Breakfast for Parents, Children, and Teachers and Appreciation Lunch for Teachers on June 3, the first full school day of the new Augusta Road Baptist Church-Open Hearts United Methodist Church CDC partnership. Members of the congregation donated food and beverage items, served, and welcomed CDC children, parents, and teachers to our campus. SHARE views the CDC partnership as meeting a significant need for quality childcare in our community.

Open Hearts UMC Missions

GirlUp End-of-the-Year Celebration:
Open Hearts Sunday School Class sponsored a program that empowers middle school and high school girls to reach their full potential. The Open Hearts SS Class toured the facilities with a staff member, met the leaders and the girls, served dinner for an end-of-the-school-year celebration, and provided the girls with Bibles for Teenage Girls and books on the meaning of Easter.

May Focus on Epworth Mother’s Day Offering:
Open Hearts donated $1826 to an organization that grew out of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church and is part of a special giving time for United Methodist churches in our state.

Open Hearts UMC Missions

Safe Sanctuary Training and Julie Valentine Center Collection:
SHARE sponsored a month-long focus on creating a safe community and
supporting those who have experienced trauma. Sarah Moseley offered
Safe Sanctuary training to members of the congregation. This training is
required for those who work with Open Hearts’ children and youth
programs. However, the church encouraged broad participation from our
congregation to promote safety. In addition, the church collected
comfortable clothing for the Julie Valentine clothing closets that provide
needed items when those who visit an ER because of trauma have their
clothing taken as evidence. Other items collected included snacks and
beverages for JVC child and adults clients participating in counseling
sessions and programs.

Open Hearts UMC Missions